
Projects > Youth Project

Killin Youth Project has been running successfully since March 2022 initially through partnership with Callander Youth Project (CYP) bringing much needed youth services to the local area. In July 2023 KAT took sole responsibility for the project. 

Killin Youth Project is holistically designed with the emotional and social wellbeing of young people at the centre of the work we do. We run weekly youth work sessions for ages P6-P7 and S1-S3, with a capacity for 20 young people per group. A summer activity programme and many seasonal events are also available for young people to participate in. With a person-led ethos young people are at the core of the direction, design and planning of sessions, we encourage young people involved to problem solve, collaborate and make decisions as a group.  

We evaluate our provision using 3 outcomes which have been developed with young people engaging in the project to ensure we are meeting their needs.

These outcomes are as follows:

- Children and young people, living rurally, have access to activities and opportunities to socialise and reduce isolation.

- The youth community are connected and engaged with the wider community, increasing feelings of support and connection.

- Killin Youth Project will provide a safe and nurturing environment for young people to flourish and improve wellbeing.

Through the Fassiefern project we can look to the future and focus on skills and development for young people and we are working towards creating training and employability programmes as the project develops.

Project Contact

Carla Finlay, Project Manager (Youth and Sport)

Working hours: Mon, Tue and Wed

Email: carla@killincdt.co.uk

Phone: 07463 722103

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