Projects > RecyKillin And Reuse Shop
The aims of the reuse shop (located on Morenish Place in Killin) are to generate income to support community activities, offer an opportunity for volunteering, and, as the only reuse shop in the village, to provide a useful service that encourages recycling. The friendly staff and volunteers also provide good chat free of charge.
The community fridge is also located here and we aim to reduce food waste by giving away food that has been donated by local shops as well as excess produce from people’s gardens.
For £10 a year, residents can also join the RecyKillin tool library and access all sorts of equipment, from electric drills and ladders to carpet cleaners and cake mixers. This reduces waste by people sharing tools they would otherwise have to buy. Excitingly, two electric bikes will also shortly be available to hire for a week at a time from the tool library (April 2024).
Project Contact
Rachel Horner, Project Worker
Mobile: 07884 535659
More information
Check out the tools on the Recykillin Tool Library catalogue.